Ethics Channel

Safely and confidentially, Commit’s Channel of Ethics receives reports of suspected fraud, misconduct or any fact that violates the values ​​and principles set forth in the company’s Code of Conduct or applicable law.

The Channel is managed by ICTS, an internationally recognized independent company, that guarantees absolute confidentiality of information and proper referral for the treatment of each reported situation.

Frequently asked questions:

Who can report?

Employees, third parties, suppliers, customers and the community in general.

How it works?

The information can be reported via the internet ( or by a toll free telephone line (0800 725 0039, Monday to Saturday, from 8h to 20h).

It's safe?

Yes. ICTS, an independent company specializing in business intelligence and research, receives the data and ensures absolute confidentiality and proper handling of each report. The IP of the equipment that filed the declaration via the internet is not identified and phone calls are answered by ICTS listeners

Is anonymity guaranteed?

Reports may be identified or anonymous. If the complainant opts for anonymity, there is no possibility of identification. Data such as computer IP and phone number that originated the report are not recorded.

What if I prefer an identified report?

In this case your identity will be preserved. When making a report, be careful not to comment on it with anyone. After analysis, if the complaint is found to be well founded, the Ethics Committee will define the applicable disciplinary measures and demand their execution.

What should be reported on the Ethics Channel?
  • Bullying or sexual harassment;
  • Destruction or damage to assets;
  • Favoritism or conflict of interest;
  • Fraud;
  • Irregularities in financial statements;
  • Improper payment or receipt;
  • Intimate relationship with direct reporting;
  • Robbery, theft or misappropriation of materials;
  • Commercialization or use of prohibited substances;
  • Leakage or misuse of information;
  • Violation of laws in general (labor, environmental, accounting, etc.).
Who analyzes the complaints?

The coordinator of Ethics Committee, which evaluates and defines the fact-finding strategy in conjunction with the other members of the Committee.What measures are taken?

What measures are taken?

If the complaint is found to be well founded, the Ethics Committee will define the applicable disciplinary measures and demand their execution.

Last update: July 5, 2022
